online meeting: The Doctoral School US and International Office of Institute Technology Sepuluh Nopember Indonesia

On October 13, 2022, an online meeting was held with the participation of the Director of the Doctoral School University of Szczecin, dr .hab. Jarosław Korpysa, prof. US and representatives of the Doctoral School mgr Puti Sinansari, mgr Waluyohadi, and International Office of Institute Technology Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)  Surabaya, Indonesia.

During the meeting, the Director presented opportunities to join Doctoral School for next year  and our Ph.D. students shared information about the recruitment process,the international research program, and student life in Szczecin. Here we also shared our new winter school program “How to Become a Better Scientist and Teacher” as a program prepared for those of you who want to apply to the Doctoral School in the fall/winter semester of 2023. For more information, please  visit: